why is multicultural literature important

Multicultural literature is important because it can be seen as an instructional device used to open the minds of students. Cultural diversity is important because our country, workplaces, and schools increasingly consist of various cultural, racial, and ethnic groups. This, of course, makes the immigrant and non-white students more motivated and engaged to learn. Along the same lines, it's imperative that we be critical of bad representation. The importance of multicultural literature is even more important with younger children because they receive the majority of their messages through pictures, states another journal article " Heightening Awareness about the Importance of Using Multicultural Literature. Stories preserve culture and pass on cultural knowledge from one generation to another. Through diversity in children's literature, children are able to see themselves as an essential part of their own community. Good multicultural literature does not play into stereotypes but shows an authentic representation of a group. Bena Hefflin developed guidelines for selecting quality multicultural children's literature, and Eliza Braden and Sanjuana Rodriguez provide questions for teachers to examine texts with Latino families and stories of immigration that reflect real experiences. These stories form the basis for how we think about the world and live our lives. What theory do you believe is the most helpful when determining what literature to use? Or diverse books can also deal with characters that have disabilities. To me, diversity means recognising, accepting and valuing difference. Here are 6 reasons to teach our children using multicultural books. It places an emphasis on many topics from human tragedies to tales of the ever-popular search for love. Multicultural literature for young learners serves a dual role. Assist cultural groups in feeling included, and therefore feeling they belong in the school community. Every culture has stories to tell. Libraries and educators need to ensure that every family in their area knows the value of . "Multicultural literature also creates a community within the classroom because students learn not only the differences tolerated, they are also embraced. diverse the world truly is. It concludes that stories reflecting diversity should be routinely included in library programs throughout the year and represented in print and digital material collections and displays. For example, there's a diversity gap in the . Multicultural literature is the mirror, windows and doors of our children's minds. It assists with understanding diversity in the classroom and the world as. Yes. They recommend that multicultural literature contain: Positive portrayals of characters with authentic and realistic behaviors, to avoid stereotypes of a particular cultural group. In children's and young adult literature this means the inclusion of positive characters and stories that represent, reflect, celebrate - and question - the lives of everybody - not just the dominant, majority population. tural literature (literature reflecting the diversity in the United States) and interna-tional literature (literature originating outside the United States) can play in helping students gain diverse perspectives of the world. It's a goal of education to expose them to ideas from other cultures, to teach them about the histories and peoples of other times and places. Second, to interact respectfully with others in society, it's helpful to realize that there are people in the world who have another perspective. According to Ruth A. Oswald and Lynn Atkinson Smolen have multicultural books is "timely" because of the "increasing diversity in our schools". It. Yet a review of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) scores . Huckleberry Finn, for example, puts students into the mind of a boy living in the south in the 1800s, letting them experience his life firsthand. True diversity often means having a boring, normal life and just being an average person. Why Diversity and Representation in Literature is so Important Book Chat Sep 30 Written By Jennifer Galanis "It's unfortunate reallyhow everyone can live on the same soil yet not even know the first thing about their neighbors." - Ciore Taylor, The Conversation Starts Here: A Perspective of Self, Culture, and the American Society Meghan B.: Diverse books are incredibly important, especially for children who are looking to see their own lives reflected in literature to know they are not alone, and also to introduce new . 1702 Words. The importance of culture lies in its close association with the ways of thinking and living. Finally, it is important to evaluate multicultural literature authorship for authentic voice and how the marginalized characters are portrayed. Rather than highlighting how out of the ordinary a non-white, non . But even as teachers appear aware of a need to diversify the curriculum, there can be roadblocks to making it happen. But we as authors, publishers, parents, and educators must keep this movement growing. It can help us confront and dismantle harmful or inaccurate stereotypes. Those feelings can include love, sadness, fear and the desire for fairness and justice. All of our children benefit. At this age, it is important to help the students understand that there is an entire world of customs beyond their own. Window books are books where children see aspects of a world that is different than their own. Multicultural literature confirms that we live in a global village and that the world is pluralistic and made up of many different kinds of people. Importance of Literature: Essay. These differences can include race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, background, socioeconomic status, and much more. Diversity means including real people throughout all levels of fiction (and nonfiction), representing real struggles and challengesand the complete mundane ordinariness of life, too! It is essential that multicultural literature taken into consideration be respectful of the intended culture. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . In children's literature is not just about race and ethnicity, it can also include, sexuality, gender, cultural, and religious aspects. Every person now gets to tell their story and every story is now somehow assumed to be equally worth hearing. Here are some reasons why these books are so important. 1) Multicultural Books Transport Us One way to begin learning about other cultures through books is to choose one country per month to "study." It explores sexuality, gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, physical and mental disability, and other important cultural factors. Teaching diversity exposes students to various cultural and social groups, preparing students to become better citizens in their communities. We can learn from one another, but first, we must have a level of understanding about each other. Bishop went on to say that these windows can also act like sliding glass doors, allowing the child to use their imagination to "become part of whatever world has been created and recreated by the author.". Conversely, multicultural literature can also help boost self-esteem in immigrant children who are looking for role models and representations of people who look like they do, while they seek to learn English as a second language. Stories provide a timeless link to ancient traditions legends myths and archetypes. Curriculums infused with multicultural education boost academic success and prepare students for roles as productive citizens. The cry for books offering diverse perspectives has grown into a powerful movement, which, thankfully, is being heard and answered. 3. The use of children's literature also fosters an opportunity to compare and contrast their culture to other cultures. Diversity in children's literature is so important, especially for kids who identify with different communities. Multicultural literature helps young learners understand the differences that exist, while simultaneously . Using multicultural literature in the classroom is one way to build momentum in a student's . Multicultural literature describes how people live in different parts of the world. In using children's literature as one faucet to teach cultural diversity, we are facilitating a cultural experience that can be applied in their futures. Embracing Diversity: Effective Teaching > Module 1> Reading: The Importance of Multicultural Education _____ The Importance of Multicultural Education Geneva Gay It's not just an add-on or an afterthought. It allows people to work through problems and determine what's true. The Role of Books in Students' Lives Books can hold an important place in the lives of young people. Learning about other cultures helps us understand different perspectives within the world in which we . Multicultural literature can help students develop global awareness by introducing them to current cultural issues. Relevant factors can include issues of race, ethnicity, immigration status, religion, socioeconomic background . These were books written in the '60's - a decade at the height of segregation and racism - with characters of color in every day situations. Multicultural education is an educational process that enhances the social awareness of students with different cultural backgrounds. I explained how, in the book, Kincaid criticizes tourism as a neo-colonial structure. Multicultural literature is a door to opening up discussions on diversity on a level the students can understand and relate to. According to the behaviorist definition of . Mendoza and Reese stated (2000, p. 4), "good multicultural literature can benefit all children." With appropriate multicultural literature available, students can embrace their surroundings or These books allow children to "find themselves" within the pages and it validates their place in this . Share various perspectives: It's important to share books from diverse perspectives. 5. Multicultural books have these groups as the main characters and the stories include themes that are relevant to their specific experiences. Adults can improve their abilities with more reading. been called the "most important subject area for academic success" (Howard, 2010, p. 15). How we can promote and encourage diversity in children's literature. Background Here's my top ten list: 1. Literature is an ideal way to do this. It is important to remind ourselves why diversity and cultural awareness is so crucial in the classroom and the benefits it can have on students now and in the long-term. Cultural diversity, or sometimes referred to as multiculturalism, is a quality of diverse and many different cultures. We need genuine diversity - not just hollow pandering or stereotyping. We can begin to teach appreciation for differences to young children by reading books about diverse people and cultures. Cultural literacy contributes positively to the society in which you live. My cousin sat across from me and my mother was behind me washing dishes. Literature should not only provide a mirror of our own experiences, but also a window into others' lives. Imaginative literature allayed my bitterness and anger and kept my imagination alive. While young children accept this easily, they also have very little understanding of the size of the world in which they live. Literature is Important. With the opportunity to engage in action research, it allowed me the chance to research how exposure to multicultural literature benefits children's thought processes about race. Language is not fixed. Authors use different themes such as culture, politics, and even personal barriers to show . reduces prejudice and inequality based on culture, increases the value placed on diversity, and. #8. Multicultural children's books may also be a tool to break down implicit biases and racism. In fact research shows that by the tender age of 2 years old children already start noticing social differences such as race. Justify your answer. For the breadth of knowledge is gives, the moral values it carries, and the enjoyment it provides, literature is important. increases participation in the social practices of that society, including access to institutions and services (Anning, 2010). Multicultural Literature can be an insightful vessel within the classroom when used with students as well as prepare preservice teachers for their own classroom. It helps to develop self esteem in all children through inclusion rather than exclusion. Multicultural literature is a way of increasing cultural awareness. Six reasons why multicultural education is essential will be discussed. We know that children's books can act like both mirrors and windows on the world. Empathy during plot-driven conflict, struggle, and resolution can affirm and help break perceived barriers of race, class, gender, religion, and sexual orientation. Furthermore, multicultural literature when introduced at a young age sets students up for what they are going to learn for the rest of their schooling lives. Diversity, when talking about it from the human resource management (HRM) perspective, tends to focus more on a set of policies to meet compliance standards. Culture is related to the development of our attitude. This will help to cut down on the bullying and teaching that takes place in the classroom. Equity pedagogy becomes an important component of multicultural reform. They spark children's imaginations and provide a basis for questions and conversations. No piece of literature should offend or belittle the targeted audience. It also presents an accurate representation of the. We need multicultural literature to open our children to understanding, acceptance and tolerance. When children do not see themselves reflected in literature, they are more likely to struggle with the reading and less likely to be engaged in the activity or lesson. According to the National Center of Education Statistics (2010), 45 . Amanda M.: Diversity matters because we need to see outside our own little world in order to make a difference in this life on a small and large scale. Why is multicultural literature important?

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why is multicultural literature important

why is multicultural literature important